
Simple and powerful
ID verification and document
exchange platform that
helps you better connect
with clients

Real Estate

Real Estate

Sync.MD's secure, proprietary, mobile technology can provide your agency a more effective level of client engagement and process management across a broad spectrum of business scenarios

Improve safety, streamline virtual document exchange, and add efficiency + security to your critical business processes with Sync.MD

  • Enhance KYC and add a level of safety and reassurance with ID verification
  • Secure, instant digital transmission of sensitive documents
  • Customize agreements with electronic signatures for true mobile interactions
  • Prevent fraud with direct, verified customer contact
  • Improve engagement and enhance your client's experience with Sync.MD mobile solutions


Identity Verification
Identity VerificationIdentity Verification

Scan and securely validate Driver's Licenses and Military IDs

Mobile E-Signatures
Mobile E-SignaturesMobile E-Signatures

Securely linked to scanned and verified ID

 E-FormsCustomizable E-Forms

Build and send customizable electronic forms

Secure Document
 Storage + Exchange
Secure Document
 Storage + ExchangeSecure Document Storage + Exchange

Our patented security methods keep data safe and easily sharable

Secure by Design

Secure by Design

Sync.MD utilizes enhanced, patented security methods and encryption protocols to ensure data is protected.

Sync.MD services and data are hosted and stored on Microsoft Azure cloud platform with built-in multilayered security and intelligent threat protections.